Roblox Hacks and Free Robux Generators - CHEAT COP ep.1

Roblox Hacks and Free Robux Generators - CHEAT COP ep.1

The Cheat Cop is here with an investigation into the Google results for "Roblox Hacks", "Roblox Hack", "Robux Generators" and more. Let us find out together if these hacks and cheats are even possible and if they work!
Find Legitimate Cheats:
Roblox Cheats:

This video should help you to determine what cheats for online games, such as Roblox are possible and which ones are not. Keep in mind that online games use servers to process important values such as your money/robux, health ect. These values cannot be changed, therefore cheats, such as god modes and money cheats are not possible.

Do not belive people that claim the impossible online. Anyone can do that.